13 Days of Halloween

TheGessNation, The Shred Shack, SonicMercury.com.Z3ROTH3RT33N, Z3R0TH3RT33n

Horror Movie Reviews Incoming!

Our good friend Pat the indomitable harbinger of the GessNation has bestowed upon us a glorious message promising a bounty of fictional picture records of crimes most foul upon the month of All Hallows Eve. With a 33 and 1/2 foot blade forged in the flames of the purest heavy metal glory Pat will cleave 13 horror movie reviews featuring his favorite moments and characters. Throughout the month of October Sonic Mercury will feature Pat’s 13 Days of Halloween and will post links to his YouTube channel for your entertainment.  While we patiently await his next transmission here is the link to Pat’s YouTube channel TheGessNation where he describes his Halloween special in his own words.



For more from Pat check out his YouTube Channel The GessNation or his Facebook page The Shred Shack

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