Day 1,TheGessNation 13 Days of Halloween The Re-Animator

The 13 days of Halloween has begun!


Pat kicks off the month of Halloween with an 80’s classic. H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Re-Animator” is the story of a medical student named Herbert West with a special serum that brings the dead back to life. As you can imagine things quickly go awry. For some reason bringing back the dead never seems to lead to things like medical breakthroughs or a higher level of general safety. “The Re-Animator” has an engaging plot that treads that fine line between horror and comedy exceptionally. A very entertaining film that also has some impressive special effects that still hold up pretty well.

Truly a must see for any horror fan and also a good choice for any Halloween movie marathon. Like most horror films from the 80’s “The Re-Animator” does contain gore, nudity and adult language so you might want to put the kids to sleep before pushing play. Without giving anything away the ending of this film is one of my all time favorites for its sheer level of twisted creativity. Surely a film you won’t ever forget here is the link to Pat’s official YouTube page TheGessNation home of Pat’s Metal reviews where you can checkout entry number #1 in his 13 Days of Halloween special.



For more from Pat check out his YouTube Channel The GessNation or his Facebook page The Shred Shack

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