Tonight on Paper Cuts, The Host gets Loria to share a personal anecdote, Cheese-Grater shreds international icons on the virtues of public decency, Monk-Fish hooks a whopper of a personal life lesson, and The Foliage and Senor Crouts discuss their favorite types of movies.
The Paper Cuts season continues with tales of celebrity birthday parties, the mysteries of the pyramids, television pilots, and unique perspectives on Christmas movies.
Tonight, 11:35 PM EST. A new contender enters the late night arena. Witness the cutting edge in late night entertainment as the homicidally hilarious The Host makes sounds at his perpetual guest the deadly glamorous Loria. Experience the strangely poignant paranoid delusions of the stand-up comic Cheese-Grater. Grab a water tube and drift away with Monk-Fish on a twisting waterfall of personal experiences. Finally, let the comforting camaraderie of a human sized sentient leaf named The Foliage and his best friend Senor Crouts soothe you with their reflections on life.
Paper Cuts is on its way. The first season of Paper Cuts begins next week. Join the deadly glamorous Loria and the homicidally hilarious The Host for the premiere of their one of a kind late night show. Paper Cuts features the brusque observations of comic Cheese-Grater, the recollections of a man named Monk-Fish, and the pulpy conversations of a street wise sentient leaf named The Foliage and his hiking companion the ever rambling Senor Crouts. See you at the premiere next week!
Weirdworld, volume 2, is a Marvel comic book series written by Sam Humphries and features artwork by Mike Del Mundo. Weirdworld takes place in a less frequented corner of the Marvel Universe. This is a place ripe with magic, barbarians and adventure. Volume 2 of Weirdworld follows the journey of a teenager named Becca who hails from Marvel’s version of Earth. Becca was flying from the United States to Mexico when her plane somehow crash lands in Weirdworld.
“Becca’s introduction to Weirdworld.”
“Becca’s introduction to Weirdworld“
At first glance it might appear as a typical fish out of water story, and it is to an extent, but there is so much more than that here. For a story that takes place in such a fantastical setting, Becca’s personal journey is surprisingly deep. It’s not long before you find out the reason for Becca’s plane trip was to deliver her mother’s ashes to her mother’s favorite place in Mexico. Now she must carry out a daring quest, with unlikely travel companions, to escape Weirdworld and deliver her mother’s ashes to their final resting place.
“Becca checks on her mother’s ashes as ghosts in Weirdworld stalk her.”
My initial impression of Weirdworld was that of an 80’s epic fantasy adventure in the vein of Heavy Metal, and the lesser known Rock and Rule. It was pretty easy for me to imagine the person who narrated the trailers to those films narrating the opening to Weirdworld. Becca’s first companion in Weirdworld is Goleta, who takes on Becca as her squire.
“Becca suits up for Weirdworld.”
For Goleta is a brave Viking woman who enjoys good drink…
“Goleta drinks her mighty Viking drink.”
…and good battle. She particularly hates wizards.
“Goleta slaughters a sand shark.”
Oh, Goleta also drives a badass hot-rod. Weirdworld is pretty awesome. Becca and Goleta’s trio is completed by the wise Catbeast.
“The Catbeast rises.”
Catbeast offers his knowledge of the lesser known parts of Weirdworld to help the trio complete their quest. I don’t want to spoil anything else because I want you to enjoy this adventure as much as I did. The bad news is, it looks like Weirdworld has been cancelled by Marvel. Several forums suggest the writer Sam Humphries has left Marvel to write exclusively for DC Comics. The good news is, this adventure exists. Individual issues might be hard to collect, but the trade just came out covering the entire six issue arc.
It’s been too long since I’ve picked up a story and felt totally immersed by completely new characters in a completely new world. Becca, Goleta, and Catbeast carve out quite the epic quest in their short run. It’s a story that quite honestly would make an incredible film. This adventure is just as exciting as it is heartfelt. They say Weirdworld is “a place where the lost can be found.” Don’t let this story become lost. It’s too good to go unnoticed. Del Mundo’s artwork is fantastic, and Humphries’ writing is just as good. I will definitely be looking forward to their future endeavors.
Who knows, if enough people pick up the back issues or trade, maybe Marvel will continue the series. What I do know is that Becca is too good of a character, and her adventure too much fun, to just fall off the face of the Marvel universe. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy Weirdworld as much as I did.
*All images scanned from the paperback trade of Marvel’s Weirdworld. I do not own the rights to any of the images used and they are displayed for review purposes only.
I know I have been gone for quite a while, and for that I am sorry. The truth is I am currently working on an MFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment, and that takes up quite a bit of my time right now. Maybe you’ll notice an improvement in my writing. Maybe not. Anyway, hopefully in the near future I will be writing lots of fun stuff for all of us to enjoy in many different forms of media.
It’s October again, and Pat is once again treating all of us to his 13 Days of Halloween Spectacular. So, while I will be making no promises like last year to update every single post he does this year; I will be making this post to remind all of you to watch Pat’s show. Click the giant link to check out episode #1 of this year’s special. The episode is about one of my all time favorite franchises The Evil Dead.
By the way I am still fairly active on Twitter, and if you want to get a glimpse of what I have been up to this last year check out my Tumblr page.
Day 5 of the 13 Days of Halloween has a less serious tone than our last entry. “Tucker and Dale VS Evil” is equal parts hilarity and brutal dismemberment. The story of two rednecks with hearts of gold “Tucker and Dale VS Evil” flips the script on the old horror movie trope of evil rednecks. In this case Tucker and Dale are just two well meaning guys with poor social skills. After making very poor first impressions on some young vacationers Tucker and Dale decide to head up to their fishing cabin and cut their losses. Guess where the vacationers cabin is? For more on this new classic we turn it over to our master of ceremonies Pat of the GessNation. Just click the link below.
For day four of the 13 Days of Halloween were taking a trip down under. Paul Hogan will not be making any cameos in this one though. Our Day 4 horror film is “Wolf Creek” the story of some British tourists who encounter a disturbingly upbeat psychopath during their vacation in Australia. A thoroughly entertaining horror film albeit far more gory than Day 3’s film “Freaks.” “Wolf Creek” is most notable for actor John Jarrett’s performance as the movies antagonist Mick Taylor who steals the show and is ultimately one of the most underrated horror movie antagonists of modern horror. As is the case with most movies I can go on and on so I will stop here and let Pat tell you all about “Wolf Creek.” Just click the link below.
Today Pat brings us a piece of cinema history. “Freaks” is a 1932 horror film directed and produced by Tod Browning. Tod is regarded by many film critics and historians as an incredibly talented artist of early cinema. “Freaks” is considered to be Tod Browning’s greatest film for it’s powerful story and unflinching look into the world of its subject matter, circus freaks. Most of the film’s characters are portrayed by real life circus performers. “Freaks” is an excellent edition to this list and a film all fans of not just horror but cinema in general should know about. Without further adieu I submit to you day 3 of the 13 Days of Halloween, “Freaks.” Click the link below to watch Pat’s review.
“Dead Alive” or “Braindead” as it is called outside the U.S. is one of my all time favorite horror movies. I won’t give much away as Pat will give you the details on this merry trip down insanity lane but I will say “Dead Alive” wins a lot of points with me for its sheer creativity. This blood soaked gem from New Zealand is notable for its bizarre story line, at times impressive special effects and unpredictability. “Dead Alive” is an irreverent horror film that is as gory as it is zany. I guarantee when the credits finally roll on this film you will not have been able to predict any of the events that have unfolded. For more we turn to Pat at the GessNation.
Pat kicks off the month of Halloween with an 80’s classic. H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Re-Animator” is the story of a medical student named Herbert West with a special serum that brings the dead back to life. As you can imagine things quickly go awry. For some reason bringing back the dead never seems to lead to things like medical breakthroughs or a higher level of general safety. “The Re-Animator” has an engaging plot that treads that fine line between horror and comedy exceptionally. A very entertaining film that also has some impressive special effects that still hold up pretty well.
Truly a must see for any horror fan and also a good choice for any Halloween movie marathon. Like most horror films from the 80’s “The Re-Animator” does contain gore, nudity and adult language so you might want to put the kids to sleep before pushing play. Without giving anything away the ending of this film is one of my all time favorites for its sheer level of twisted creativity. Surely a film you won’t ever forget here is the link to Pat’s official YouTube page TheGessNation home of Pat’s Metal reviews where you can checkout entry number #1 in his 13 Days of Halloween special.
Our good friend Pat the indomitable harbinger of the GessNation has bestowed upon us a glorious message promising a bounty of fictional picture records of crimes most foul upon the month of All Hallows Eve. With a 33 and 1/2 foot blade forged in the flames of the purest heavy metal glory Pat will cleave 13 horror movie reviews featuring his favorite moments and characters. Throughout the month of October Sonic Mercury will feature Pat’s 13 Days of Halloween and will post links to his YouTube channel for your entertainment. While we patiently await his next transmission here is the link to Pat’s YouTube channel TheGessNation where he describes his Halloween special in his own words.
Pat is back with an all new hit list. Learn about one of heavy metal’s most popular sub-genres power metal. Pat lists 6 of his favorite power metal songs, breaking down the artists behind each song and why they resonate with him. For anyone interested in metal and music in general this is a good one to watch. Here is the link to The Official GessNation YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure.
Check out the newest episode of Pat’s Metal Reviews and don’t be afraid to like and subscribe to his YouTube channel. Join the GessNation dammit! Do it! Do it now!! In his latest installment Pat holds his first ever grudge match. Avenged Sevenfold Vs. Protest the Hero. Pat gives an in depth breakdown of each band and their newest album with side by side comparisons. Honest opinions from a true metal head packaged in an entertaining show for your enjoyment. So click the link here, Avenged Sevenfold Vs. Protest the Hero, to see how these two bands fare. Sit back relax and put your horns up its time for Metal!!!